Nicolas Cage Shrine
Bary Bee Benson


Bary Bee Benson

Nicolas Cage is a famous actor who stars in many hit movies including The Wicker Man. In The Wicker Man he stars as Edward Malous who says the famous line "Not The Bees". This quote has had many memes stem off of it and is one of the bigger links to The Bee Movie as there are mostly bees in the movie. The main reason this page exists is because the Nicolas Cage Society follows closely with The Bee Movie Society and that I am a part of both of these groups. Nicolas Cage does not star in The Bee Movie but may star in The Bee Movie 2 if it comes out.

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Congratulations [INTERNET_USER]! You managed to switch to the Nicolas Cage plane. This is a separate plane of reality to your supposed [CORRECT_PLANE], thus different rules are followed to what you are used to. Our one goal in this plane is to obtain the [COMPACT_DISK] containing [THE_BEE_MOVIE]. Please [INTERNET_USER], help us reach true happiness Click Here and follow the instructions to send us [THE_BEE_MOVIE].
